2018年12月四级真题阅读:How could California's drought crisis...

2019-05-27 15:47:00来源:网络


  Part C:仔细阅读

  Passage One


  46. How could California's drought crisis be solved according to some researchers?

  答案:B)By drawing water from the depths of the earth.

  解析:此题为文中人观点题,“根据一些研究者的观点,加州的干旱危机可以如何解决?。题目焦点清晰,问手段/方法,借助定位词California’s drought crisis / some researcher找到出题段,注意同义替换。

  47. What can be inferred about extracting water from deep aquifers?

  答案:B)It was not considered worth the expense.


  48. What is mentioned as a consequence of extracting water from deep underground?

  答案:A)The sinking of land surface.


  49. What does the author say about deep wells?

  答案:D)They provide a steady supply of freshwater.


  50. What may happen when deep aquifers are used as water sources?

  答案:C)The cost may go up due to desalination.


  Passage Two


  51. What does the author want to show with the example of Alpha Go's victory?

  答案:D) Computers can become highly intelligence.

  解析:根据题干信息词Alpha Go's victory,可定位到原文 “we all know computers have improved since then.”,结合前文,所以正确选项为D,其中选项中的become highly intelligence是have improved的同义改写。

  52. What does the author 'mean by Al machines acting ethically?

  答案:C)They make sensible decisions when facing moral dilemmas.

  解析:根据题干信息词Al machines acting ethically,可定位到原文With driverless cars already on California roads, it is not too soon to ask whether we can program a machine to act ethically. As such cars improve, they will save lives, because they will make fewer mistakes than human drivers do由于无人驾驶汽车已经在加利福尼亚州的道路上行驶,现在问我们是否可以为机器设定合乎道德的行为并不早。随着这种汽车的改进,它们将挽救生命,因为它们将比人类驾驶员犯的错误更少。所以C正确,其中选项中的 make sensible decisions是对该句的合理概括。

  53. What is said to be the bigger challenges facing humans in the AI age?

  答案:B) How to ensure that super-intelligent AI machines act ethically.

  54. What do we learn about Microsoft's 'chatbot' Taylor?

  答案:A) She could not distinguish good from bad

  解析:根据题干信息词Microsoft's 'chatbot' Taylor,可定位到原文“Tay” as she called herself, was supposed to be able to learn from the messages she received and gradually improve her ability to conduct engaging conversations. Unfortunately, within 24 hours, people were teaching Tay racist and sexist ideas. When she starting saying positive things about Hitler, Microsoft turned her off and deleted her most offensive messages. 她称自己为“泰”,应该能够从她收到的信息中学习,逐渐提高她进行交流的能力。不幸的是,在24小时内,人们正在教授Tay种族主义和性别歧视的想法。当她开始对希特勒表示肯定的态度时,微软关了她并删除了她最具冒犯性的消息。选项A是对该句的概括。

  55. What does Eric Schmidt think of artificial intelligence?

  答案:D) It will be here to stay whatever the outcome.

  定位:根据题干信息词Eric Schmidt think of artificial intelligence,可定位到原文Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google’s parent company, the owner of AlphaGo, is enthusiastic about what artificial intelligence (AI) means for humanity. Speaking before the match between Lee and AlphaGo, he said that humanity would be the winner, whatever the outcome, because advances in AI will make every human being smarter, more capable, and “just better human beings.” Google的母公司执行主席,AlphaGo的所有者,埃里克施密特对人工智能(AI)对人类的意义充满热情。在李和AlphaGo之间的比赛之前,他说无论结果如何,人类将成为胜利者,因为人工智能的进步将使每个人变得更聪明,更有能力,并且“是更好的人类”。D是对该句的概括。






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