
2016-09-13 11:13:19来源:网络

  21.【答 案】B。



  【详细解答】根据文章主旨以及第一段第一句后半部分:...have developed a partnership to train engineers and managers to become e-literate.可知本题正确答 案为B选项。A,C,D均断章取义,与原文不符。故均为错误答案。

  22.【答 案】D。



  【详细解答】根据文章第二段第二句:Many chief executives do not understand the power of the new technologies and, in some cases, are resisting change. 可知D选项符合作者对很多公司主管的看法。A选项张冠李戴,B,C选项明显与原文意思相反。故均为错误答案。

  23.【答 案】D。



  【详细解答】根据文章第二段第三句到段末:He says that “As long as enough industry leaders realize its potential benefits, e-business will make possible a second productivity revolution in Britain. ...to the UK economy”.可知D选项符合原文,故为正确答案。A,B,C选项信息并没有在原文中出现。故均为错误答案。

  24.【答 案】A。



  【详细解答】根据文章第二段后两句:Over the last five years in the US there has been a 30% improvement in manufacturing-sector productivity because of information technology. In Britain we can achieve more than that and successful e-business will be worth billions to the UK economy.可知选项A符合短文意思,所以A为正确答 案。B选项意思:英国已经利用了电子工程管理,与原文不符。C选项原文第三段第一句话:Already Britain makes more use of computer-aided design and manufacture (CAD/CAM) and management information-technology systems than other European countries, and has a government that actively promotes e-business.不符。D选项与原文最后一段第三句:Although the net allows British industry to overtake their European peers, it also offers Asian countries to leapfrog the West. For the first time it is not the privilege of the western world because this technology is universal.”不符。故B,C,D均为错误答 案。

  25.【答 案】B。



  【详细解答】根据原文最后一段第一句话:Professor Bhatt believes that e-commerce is changing business to such an extent that WMG is likely to be renamed Warwick Electronic Manufacturing Group.可知B选项为正确答案。A选项与原文意思不符,C选项与原文意思一致,但不是WMG改名的原因,D选项也不是WMG改名的原因。故A,C,D均为错误答 案。

  Passage Two


  本文是一篇说明文。解说了感情的成熟对正确认识并处理爱情和夫妻生活的重要作用。第一段告诉我们爱首先要爱自己。第二段告诉我们:当我们恋爱过 几次后我们会意识到恋爱的高潮不会持久,因此我们必须认识到这一点并现实起来在爱情与夫妻生活这所学校里好好学习。第三,第四段告诉我们人无完人,因此我们不要抱怨我们选错了对象,而要去克服不完善的地方。

  26.【答 案】D。



  【详细解答】D选项符合全文中心:感情的成熟对正确认识并处理爱情和夫妻生活的重要性。因此D 选项是正确答 案。A,B,C选项明显与原文不符,故均为错误答 案。

  27.【答 案】C。



  【详细解答】根据原文最后一句话:The amazing thing is that love survives all of our mistaken attempts to control our partners and our relationships.可知C选项符合原文,因此C选项为正确答 案。A选项信息是无中生有,B选项信息明显与原文不符(原文:We know the high of falling in love is not going to last.)。D选项:一个人越被爱,他或她就越不满足。也是原文中所没有的信息。故A,B,D均为错误答案。


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