
2024-06-04 08:35:00来源:网络




  You are supposed to shake hands.

  一. 重点单词

  1 风俗;习俗 n. custom

  2 鞠躬 v.& n. bow

  3 亲吻;接吻 v.& n. Kiss

  4 和……打招呼;迎接 v. greet

  5 放松的;自在的 adj. relaxed

  6 重视;珍视 v. 价值 n. value

  7 首都;国都 n. capital

  8 正午;中午 n. noon

  9 很生气;疯的 adj. mad

  10 努力;尽力 n. effort

  11 护照 n. passport

  12 粉笔 n. chalk

  13黑板 n. blackboard

  14北方的;北部的 adj. northern

  15海岸;海滨 n. coast

  16季;季节 n. season

  17敲;击 v. 敲击声;敲击 n. knock

  18东方的;东部的 adj. eastern

  19值得;有价值的 adj. value

  20方式;方法 n. 礼貌;礼仪 (pl.) manners

  21空的;空洞的 adj. empty

  22基本的;基础的 adj. basic

  23交换 n.& v. exchange

  24十几岁的;青少年的 adj. teenage

  25(外)孙女 n. granddaughter

  26表现;举止 v. behave

  27 除……之外 prep. 除了 except

  28肘;胳膊 n. elbow

  29逐步地;渐进地 adv. gradually

  30 建议 n. suggestion

  二 重点短语句子

  1. 被期望/被认为 be expected/supposed to do

  2. 用错误的方式与某人打招呼 greet sb. the wrong way

  3. 给外国学生的欢迎晚会 welcome party for foreign student

  4. 我一伸出手他就鞠躬 As soon as I held out my hand,he bowed.

  5. 我只是伸着手站在那儿 I just stood there with my hand out.

  6. 让我惊讶的是 to my surprise

  7. 在我两边的脸颊 on both sides of my face

  8. 我们对时间很放松 We’re pretty relaxed about time.

  9. 珍惜时间 value the time

  10. 顺便访问 drop by

  11. 我们经常只是在镇中心逛,尽我们所能的多拜访我们的朋友 。

  We often just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can.

  12. 毕竟我们是钟表之都 We’re the capital of clocks and watches, after all.

  13. 迟到15分钟 15 minutes late

  14. 大动肝火 get mad/crezy

  15. 我尽力做到准时 I make an effort to be on time.

  16. 避免拥堵的交通 avoid heavy traffic

  17. 让别人等是不礼貌的 It’s impolite to keep others waiting

  18. 出国 go abroad

  19. 擦黑板 clean the chalk off the blackboard

  20. 北海岸 the northern coast

  21. 冬季 the winter season

  22. 敲门 knock at/on the door

  23. 东欧国家 eastern European countries

  24. 在社交情况中 in social situations

  25. 尽可能多的礼仪 as many as these customs as possible

  26. 餐桌礼仪 table manners

  27. 把……插入 stick……into

  28. 敲空碗 hit an empty bowl

  29. 不要用筷子指着任何人 Don’t point at anyone with your chopsticks

  30. 在桌子边 at the table

  31. 交换生活动 student exchange program

  32. 没有理由这样 There was no reason to be.

  33. 他们格外努力的让我感到宾至如归。

  They go out of their way to make me feel at home.

  34. 它不像原来一样困扰我了 It doesn’t worry me as it used to.

  35. 除面包外 except bread

  36. 我发现记住每件事很难,但我慢慢习惯它了

  I find it difficult to remember everything, but I’m gradually getting used to it.

  37. 出现 show up

  38. 值得做 be worth doing




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