2024年12月英语四级听力原文:Great Depression in the U.S.

2024-07-09 08:20:00来源:网络

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  2024年12月英语四级听力原文:Great Depression in the U.S.

  In 1929, the bills started to come in. American industry had produced too many goods. Americans could not afford to buy all of them. So factories had to cut down on their production. Many workers lost their jobs. Investors tried to get their money back. But businesses did not have enough money to pay them. Banks tried to get their money back from investors. But the investors could not pay, either. Too many people owed money. And few of them could pay their bills.

  During the next few years, business got worse and worse. By 1932, banks all over the country were closing.

  People without money could not buy goods. So more businesses closed. More and more people lost their jobs. By 1932, more than 12 million Americans were jobless. Millions more were earning barely enough to live on. The country was in a great depression they had never experienced before.

  Useful Words and Expressions:

  1. bill 帐单,票据

  foot the bill付账,负责

  2. cut down on 减少

  3. depression 沮丧,萧条

  Great Depression大萧条

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