
2024-09-20 08:38:00来源:网络



  Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

  The man who invented Coca-cola was not a native Atlantan, but on the day of his funeral every drugstore in town testimonially shut up shop. He was John Styth Pemberton, born in 1833 in Knoxville, Georgia, eighty miles away. Sometimes known as Doctor, Pemberton was apharmacist (药剂师) who, during the Civil War, led a cavalry troop under General Joe Wheelrer.

  He settled in Atlanta in 1869, and soon began brewing such patent medicines as Triplex Liver Pills and Globe of Flower Cough Syrup. In 1885, he registered a trademark for Something called French Wine Coca-Ideal Nerve and Tonic Stimulant, a few months later he formed the Pemberton Chemical Company, and recruited the services of a bookkeeper named Frank M.

  Robinson, who not only had a good head for figures but, attached to it, so exceptional a nose that he could audit the composition of a batch of syrup (糖浆 ) merely by sniffling it.

  In 1886--a year in which, as contemporary Coca-Coca officials like to point out, Conan Doyle unveiled Sherlock Holmes and France unveiled the Statue of Liberty--Pemberton unveiled a syrup that he called Coca-Coca. It was a modification of his French Wine Coca. He had taken out the wine and added a pinch of caffeine, and, when the end product tasted awful, had thrown in some extract of cola nut and a few other oils, blending the mixture in a three-legged iron pot in his back yard and swishing it around with an oar. He distributed it to soda fountains in used beer bottles, and Robinson, with his glowing bookkeeper’s script, presently devised a label, on which "Coca-Cola" was written in the fashion that is still employed.

  Pemberton looked upon his mixture less as a refreshment than as a headache cure, especially for people whose headache could be traced to over-indulgence.

  On a morning late in 1886, one such victim of the night before dragged himself into an Atlanta drugstore and asked for a doolop of Cola-Cola. Druggists customarily stirred a teaspoonful of syrup into a glass of water, but in this instance the man on duty was too lazy to walk to the fresh-water tap, a couple of feet off. Instead, he mixed the syrup with some soda water, which was closer at hand. The suffering customer perked up almost at once, and word quickly spread that the best Coca-Cola was a fizzy one.


  57. What does the passage tell us about John Styth Pemberton?

  [A] He was highly respected by Atlantans.

  [B] He ran a drug store that also sells wine.

  [C] He had been a doctor until the Civil War.

  [D] He made a lot of money with his pharmacy.

  58. Which of the following was unique to Frank M. Robinson, working with the Pemberton’s Company?

  [A] Skills to make French wine.

  [B] Talent for drawing pictures.

  [C] An acute sense of smell.

  [D] Ability to work with numbers.

  59. Why was the year 1886 so special to Pemberton?

  [A] Because he took to doing a job like Sherlock Holmes’s.

  [B] Because he brought a quite profitable product into being.

  [C] Because he observed the founding ceremony of Statue of Liberty.

  [D] Because he was awarded by Coca-Cola for his contribution.

  60. One modification made of French Wine Coca formula was

  [A] used beer bottles were chosen as containers

  [B] the amount of caffeine in it was increased

  [C] it was blended with oils instead of water

  [D] Cola nut extract was added to taste

  61. The last paragraph mainly tells __

  [A] the complaint against the lazy shop-assistant

  [B] a real test of Coca-enla as a headache cure

  [C] the mediocre service of the drugstore

  [D] a happy accident that gave birth to Coca-Cola

  57.A信息明示题。关于John Styth Pemberton,文章第一段指出,创造了可口可乐的人不是亚特兰大当地人,但是在他葬礼的那天,镇上所有的药房都象征性地关门了,可见A是正确的选项。



  60.D综合推断题。文章第三段第二句提出,这是对他的可卡法国酒的一种改良,他分离出了酒的成分,加入了一小撮咖啡因。结果最后的成品味道口感不佳,于是又加了可乐果汁和一些其他的油脂成分,将混合液倒入放在后院的铁锅中,用浆搅匀。然后他将这种糖浆分放在用过的啤酒瓶里,分发到各饮料店,Robinson则设计了标签,用很时尚的字体写上了“可口可乐”几个字,直到今天这个字体仍在使用,故选D。文中没有特别说明增加咖啡因的量,因此 B是错误的。





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