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NewS 01
The City of Fayetteville is making a specialeffort to recognize its bus drivers,ahead ofthe newly proclaimed Transit Driver
Appreciation Day,happening Saturday.Aspart of the event,the city is celebrating itslongest serving driver on the force.Thatdriver is Sherry Christian.Christian hasbeen a driver for 25 years.The Fayettevillenative believes driving a school bus allowsher to give back to her community.Shesaysthat the best part of the job is
watching the children who ride her busgrow up.Transit Driver Appreciation Dayhas been celebrated across the country asfar back as 2009.However,this week,theCity of Fayetteville issued a proclamationfor the day to take place March 18th.
Officials said they want bus drivers to knowhow important they are to Fayetteville,serving almost 1.6 million riders a year.
Q01.What do we learn about SherryChristian?
Q02.What did city officials of Fayettevillewant bus drivers to be aware of?
NewS 02
The Wilton School Board has proposed a
5.99%spending increase.If approved,itwould be the largest jump in at least eightbudget cycles.The 5.99%request morethan doubles the highest previous yearover year increase inthe last eight years,which was 2.99%for the 2021 to 2022
school year.The biggest driver of the 91.8million proposed budget remains teacherssalaries.These account for 64%of the totalrequest at 59 million dollars.The 59 milliondollars is up from the 56.7 million dollarsbudgeted for the current school year.Thereare some factors that could affect thebudget moving forward.One of those istotal enrollment.The district will have atotal enrollment of 3,742 students.Almostall of these students will be in kindergartenthrough high school,but 66 will be in
prekindergarten and other programs.Thisrepresents 47 fewer students than thecurrent year.Fewer students mean lessfederal and state funding.
Q03.What does the news report say theWilton School Board has done?
Q04.What will a decline in thetotalenrollment lead to?
News 03
A rare thundersnow event has taken place inScotland.And alarmed locals contacted police,thinking they had heard bombs going off.Thephenomenon happens when thunder andlightning mix with a heavy snowstorm,sometimes causing loud claps that can be
confused with explosions.One person describedit as a loud boom,similar to a plane crash.Another person was woken up in the middle ofthe night by what hethought was earlyconstruction workstarting.The noise was
powerful enough toshake buildings and set offcar alarms.The police were flooded with manycalls from the public.And they sent out amessage asking people to remain calm.Thepolice assured everyone that it was just thunderand lightning rather than some military exercise.The weather was the coldest it had been for theseason,so people were warned to be carefulwhen traveling outside.In particular,dangerousconditions such as icy roads or wet ground couldcause difficulty for drivers.The rail service alsoannounced potential disruptions to trains due tothe deep snow.Some roads were also closedbecause of the severe weather.
Q05.What do we learn about thundersnowsfrom the report?
Q06.What did the police do when they receivedthe local residence phone calls?
Q07.What were people advised to do whentraveling outside?
Long Convo 01
M:I'm going to the city centre to buy a new phone today.W:Didn't youbuy a new phone just two months ago?M:It was three months ago,and I already know whatyou're goingto say.You're thinking I shouldn't replace myphone this soon.
W:No,actually,I was wondering how you could possiblyafford a new phone.But,now thatyou mention it,I dothink getting another phone so soon is wasteful,regardless of the cost.
M:Maybe you're right,but the thing is,everyone at theoffice has a nice,expensive phone,and I'm a little
embarrassed by mine.I just got a credit card,soI thoughtI might as well buy a new phone.
W:I don't think buying a phone on credit is a good idea.Look,you've only been working for five months now.Peopleunderstand that youare a recent graduate,and Idoubt anyone cares about your phone other than yourself.
M:Maybeyou're right,but thecredit card has a very goodspecial offer,where I don't pay any interest for six months.I'll be ableto pay for the phone well before that period isover.
W:I still think it's a bad idea touse a credit card for
something you don't need.One of my colleagues bought alot of things on credit during her first year of work,and itbecame a bad habit,and she accumulated a lot of debt.
M:Well,I can see how that might happen to someone,andI'm sure she regrets it,but I know it won't happen to me.
Q08.What does the woman say she was actuallywondering about?
Q09.Why is the man a little embarrassed by the phonehe's using now?Q10.What does the man say about the credit card he justgot?
Q11.What do we learn aboutone of the women'scolleagues?
Long Convo 02
W:Welcome to the Morning Show.Our guest today is a popularblog writer and a major figure in the tiny home community.Welcome,Bob Loinbo.M:Hi,Mary.W:Hi,Bob.You're an advocate of the tiny home movement.A lotof people don't know about this movement.Can you tell ouraudience what it's about?M:Well,it's mainly about increasing home ownership andprotecting the environment.
W:Of course,those are great goals.But I've seen your blog,andyou write about houses that are as small as 20 square meters.That's not a realistic size for families.M:I do talk about very small homes,but there's no set definitionof a tiny home.And other people include homes that are muchlarger,say,60 square meters.And you'd be surprised.Manyfamilies of four are happy living in houses thatare under 30square meters.
W:But I think most of us want spacious homes.The averagenew house in this area is 150 square meters.And that's whatpeople dream of owning.M:Yes,but I think that dream needs to change,considering thecost of housing.W:Housing costs are high,but do people really save that muchby having a smaller home?M:Absolutely.Many people who can only afford to rent a largerhome are able to buy a tiny home.In this city,the average homecosts $200,000,and a tiny home costs just $50,000.W:Those are huge savings.
M:So,tiny homes might not be for everyone,but they're a goodoption for many.W:You mentioned the environment earlier.How does this benefitthe planet?M:Well,if people have smaller homes,they use less land andfewerresources to build them.
Q12.What does the tiny home movement mainly
Q13.What does the woman say about houses as small as20 square meters?
Q14.What does the man think about the dream of owninga 150-square-meter house?
Q15.What does the man say about tiny homes?
Passage 01
Kids need time every day torun,jump,stretch and play.These experiences have been shown to build children'sconfidence and pleasure in physical activities.Developtheir motor skills and even improve emotional well being.To begin with,children seem to have a natural desire toovercome challenges and take risks.Taking healthy risksthrough physical movement builds children's confidenceand ability to solve problems andpersist through
frustration.Secondly,movement activities build children'sbig body skills such as coordination and balance.As wellas the fine motor skills they need for tasks like writing,tying their shoes,or throwing and catching a ball.Thirdly,according to the American Psychological Association,regular physical activity,and especially outdoor activity,reduces children's stress and depression and improvestheir ability to focus and learn.Regular exercise cansignificantly improve self regulation and decrease
disciplinary consequences for negative behavior.Physicalactivity provides a positive outlet for frustration,anxiety oranger and can become a healthy coping skill throughoutlife.Finally,we know that physical activity is important forour physicaland mental health and cultivating the habit ofphysical activity startsearly.Children are more likely todevelop a lifelong love of physical activity from frequentpositive early experiences.Not every child enjoys
competitive sports or playing with balls,and that's okay.There are plenty of other options,such as imaginativeplay,non competitive games,and gardening or natureexperiences.
Q16.What do children seem tohave a natural desire todo?
Q17.According to the American Psychological
Association,what does regular physical activity do tochildren?
Q18.What does the passage say about cultivating thehabit of physical activity?
Passage 02
A new study finds that job seekers are even willing toexplore jobs with lower salaries,when companies aremore diverse.It finds that sharing information aboutdiversity makes job postings more attractive to jobseekers,even when pay is lower.
To conduct the study,the team partnered with an onlinejob listings platform,which emails postings relevant toindividuals and their job search criteria.
Thank you For the course of the 11 week study,theplatform emailed job listings to some 180,000 users placedin one of two conditions.In the baseline condition,participants saw emails in the normal format,with noinformation on diversity.In the diversity condition,participants saw a diversity score for each listing,information about the race,gender,education,andlanguage skills of a company's workforce compared toothers in the same sector and location.Information wasthen gathered on whether the email was opened andwhich job listings were clicked on by each user.
Participants in the diversity condition tended to click on joblistings from companies with slightly higher diversityscores than those in the baseline condition.
That is,participants seemed to be paying attention toinformation about diversity.And using this,when decidingwhether to click on the listing.Andthe team also foundthat participants were willing to look at listings with lowersalaries,if they came from companies with a higherdiversity score.
Q19.When arejob seekers willing to explore jobs withlower salaries,according to a new study?
Q20.What did participants see in the baseline condition ofthe study?
Q21.What doesthe passage say participants seem to bepaying attention to?
Passage 03
A new study from Oregon State University found thatdogs tend to match their behavior with the children intheir family.The findings are important because thereisa growing body of evidence that dogs can helpchildren in many ways.These include helping withsocial development,increasing physical activity,managing anxiety or serving as a source of
attachment in the face of changing family structures.Yet very little research has focused on how dogsperceive and socially engage with children.Thegreat news is that this study suggests dogs arepaying a lot of attention to the kids that they livewith,said Monique Oudel,the lead author of the
study.One interesting thing we have observed is thatdogs are matching children's behaviour,but lessfrequently than what we have seen between dogsand adults.This suggests that while dogs may viewchildren as social companions,there are also somedifferences that we need tounderstand better.Whileresearch has found dogs can have a lot of positiveimpacts on a child's life,there are also risksassociated with a dog child relationship.For
example,other studies have found dogs are morelikely to bite children versus adults.We still have a lotto learn about the dog child relationship.ELL said,but research does show that kids are very capable oftraining dogs.
Q22.What does the passage say about the findings of anew study from Oregon State University?
Q23.What does a growing body of evidence show,according to the passage?
Q24.What did Monique Oudel say their study suggests?
Q25.What does research show kids are very capable ofdoing?
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本文关键字: 2024年12月四级听力
来源 : 新东方在线 2024-12-14 12:11:55 关键字 : 2024年12月四级听力
来源 : 网络 2024-12-14 12:01:55 关键字 : 英语四级作文
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来源 : 网络 2024-12-14 11:53:00 关键字 : 英语四级作文题目
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