
2017-05-25 17:58:03来源:网络

  K) Five Ways to Find Harmony with the Natural World Walk: Break the rhythm of permanently being under a roof. Get off a stop earlier, make a circuit of the park at lunchtime, walk the child to and from school, get a dog, feel yourself moving in moving air, look, listen, absorb.

  Sit: Take a moment, every now and then, to be still in an open space. In the garden, anywhere that's not in the office, anywhere out of the house, away from the routine. Sit under a tree, look at water, feel refreshed, ever so slightly renewed.

  Drink: The best way to enjoy the natural world is by oneself; the second best way is in company. Take a drink outside with a good person, a good gathering: talk with the sun and the wind with bird-song for background.

  Learn: Expand your boundaries. Leam five species of bird, five butterflies, five trees, five bird songs. That way, you see and hear more: and your mind responds gratefully to the greater amount of wildness in your life.

  Travel: The places you always wanted to visit: by the seaside, in the country, in the hills. Take a week-end break, a day-trip, get out these and do it: for the scenery, for the way through the woods, for the birds, for the bees. Go somewhere special and bring specialness home. It lasts forever, after all.

  46. The study in Sweden shows that more access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.

  47. The author's profound belief is that people instinctively seek nature in different ways.

  48. It can be very helpful to provide more green spaces for children with ADHD.

  49. Elderly people will enjoy a life of better quality when they contact more with nature.

  50. Nowadays, people think things that can be bought are best for children, rather than things that can be found.

  51. Dr. William Bird suggests in his study that access to nature contributes to the reduction of violence.52. According to a study in the U. S. Children with ADHD whose accommodation had more natural views showed much better improvement.

  53. Children who have chances to explore natural areas are less likely to be involved in bullying.

  54. We can find harmony with the natural world in various ways, among which there are walking, sitting, drinking, learning and traveling.

  55. It is extremely harmful to think that humanity and the natural world can be separated.


  46.The study in Sweden shows that more access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.瑞典的研究说明更多接触大自然让孩子更可能少生病。

  【解析】 D)。细节题。根据句中关键词a study in Sweden定位至D)段首句。瑞典的一项研究显示,在自然环境中玩耍的幼儿园小朋友比在只习惯在正规运动场玩耍的小朋友少患病,身体也更健康。

  47.The author’S profound belief is that people instinctively seek nature in different ways.作者深信人们本能地会通过各种方式寻找大自然。

  【解析】A)。细节题。根据句中的“the author’s profound belief"可定位至文章A)段末句。作者深信人类不仅需要大自然,而且都在寻觅着大自然。

  48.It can be very helpful to provide more green spaces for children with ADHD.给多动症儿童提供更多绿色的生活空间会对他们大有帮助。

  【解析】 G)。细节题。根据句中关键词children with ADHD和green spaces可定位至G)段倒数两句。但是,众多研究表明,与自然接触对患有多动症的孩子最有益。虽然如此,我们还是把钱花在了药物上,而非绿色的生活空间上。


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