2018年6月英语四级阅读200篇第139篇:That's enough, kids

2018-03-27 15:39:22来源:网络


  46. Accordingto Professor White, today’s parents treat their children as something they canbe proud of.

  47. AndrewFuller suggests that, when kids behave inappropriately, people should not staysilent.

  48. StellaBianchi expect the young boy’s mother to make an apology, when she talked tohim.

  49. Theauthor say it’s possible for one to get into lots of trouble about dealing withother people’s children.

  50. Accordingto Professor Naomi White of Monash University,when one's kids are criticized,their parents will probably feel hurt.

  51. Ina world where everyone is exhausted from overwork and lack of sleep, it’sdifficult to create a code of conduct.

  52. Peopleused to put the blame on their kids when their kids got into trouble at school.

  53. ProfessorWhite believes that the notions of a more child centred society should bechallenged.

  54. Oneshould talk to them directly in a mild way when seeing other people’s kidsmisbehave according to Andrew Fuller. x

  55. Dueto the child centric nature of our society, people are reluctant to point outkids’ wrong doings.


  46. H) 由题干知文中相关部分在H段,其中提到“We treat them as objectswhose appearance and achievements are something we can be proud of,... ”(我们对待孩子就好像他们具备•了我彳门能为之骄做的外表和成绩......)与题干相符,因此选H。

  47. I)根据题文中Andrew Fuller和behave inappropriately得知相关部分在最后一段,文中说“He recommends that we don’t stay silent over inappropriate behavior, particularly with regular:visitors.(他建议我们对不得体的行为不能保持沉默,特别是对那些常客)”,与题干相符,因此选I。

  48. A)由题干定位A段中提到“I thoughtshe was coming over to apologize, but instead. she started shouting at me for4disciplining her child’.”(我原想她是跑过来道歉,但是她开始对我大喊,说我在“教训她的孩子”)。与题干相符,因此选A。

  49. B)根据题干“dealing with other people’s children”可知文中相关部分在B段。文中提到“Gettingyour own children to play nice is difficult enough. Dealing with other people’s children has become a minefield.”与题干相符,因此选B。

  50. C)根据题干中Professor Naomi White of MonashUniversity可以很快定位到_文中相关部分C 段,其中提到“We see our children as. anextension of ourselves:,so if you're saying that my child is behaving inappropriately, thenthat’s somehow acriticism of me. ”与题干相符,因此选C。

  51. F)根据题干中everyone is exhausted可知文中相关部分在F段,其中提到“A code of conduct is hard tocreate when you're living in a world in which everyone is exhausted fromoverwork and lack of sleep,...”(生活在一个每个人都因超负荷工作、睡眠不足而精疲力尽的社会……你就很难做出一部行为守则。)与题干相符,因此选F。

  52. G)由题干when their kids got into troubleat school可知文中相关部分在:G段,其中提到“The days when a kid camehome from school and said,‘I got into trouble’,and dad said,‘You probably deserved if, are over.”(过去那种当小孩放学回家后说“我惹了麻烦了。父亲回答说“你活该”的时代结束了。•)与题干相符,因此选G。

  53. H)根据题干中_ the notions of a more child-centredsociety可知文中相关部分在H段,其中提到“White believes our notions of a more child centred society should bechallenged.,,..(怀特认为我们的那种社会要更加以孩子为中心的观念应该受到挑战。)与题干相符,因此选H。

  54. C)根据题干中Andrew Fuller,可知文中与Andrew Fuller相关部分在C段,其中Fuller提到“Usually a quiet reminder that ‘we don't do that here,is enough. (通常一句轻轻的提醒“我们这里不让那么做”就可以了。>与题干相符,因此选c。

  55. F)根据题干“child-centric nature of oursociety”可找到文中相关部分在F段。其中提到“Adults are scared ofsaying, Don't swear,,or asking a child to stand up on abus. They are worried that there will be conflict if they point these thingsout—either fromolder children*or their parents. ”(大人们不敢说“不许骂人”,也不敢要求小孩子在公交车上站起来让座。他们担心如果他们把这些事情指出来’就有可能和那些大一点儿的孩子或者孩子的家长产生矛盾)。与题干相符,因此选F。







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