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  Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

  Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B) ,C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

  It is simple enough to say that since books have classes fiction, biography, poetry—we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconception when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow worker and accomplice(同谋). If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible finess(委婉之处), from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite. The thirty two chapters of anovel—if we consider how to read a novel first—are an attempt to make something as formed and controlled as a building but words are more impalpable than bricks, reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing. Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words. Recall, then, some event that has left a distinct impression on you—how at the corner of the street, perhaps, you passed two people talking. A tree shook; an electric light danced; the tone of the talk was comic, but also tragic; a whole vision, an entire conception, seemed contained in that moment.

  21.What does the author mean by saying “Yet few people ask from books what books can give us.”?

  A.The author means that lots of people read few books.

  B.The author thinks that readers have only absorbed part of knowledge in books.

  C.The author holds that few people have a proper idea about what content some kind of books should include.

  D.The author considers that readers can scarcely understand most of the books.

  22.According to the passage, which of the following statement is right?

  A.A reader should find some mistakes when he is reading.

  B.The more difficult a book is, the more you can get from it.

  C.To read something is easier than to watch something.

  D.One should be in the same track with the writer when he is reading.

  23.What is the possible meaning of “impalpable” (Paragraph 2) in the passage?

  A.Clear. B.Elusive. C.Delicate. D.Precise.

  24.What’s the main idea of this passage?

  A.The importance of reading. B.The proper way to read.

  C.How to get most from one book. D.The characters of a good book.

  25.When a writer is writing he often get the whole conception ____.

  A.after a long time’s thinking

  B.through an instant inspiration

  C.according to his own experience

  D.by way of watching the objects attentively

  Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

  According to the dictionary definition of “create”, ordinary people are creative every day. To create means “to bring into being, to cause to exist”—something each of us does daily.


  We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way. First this involves an awareness of our surroundings. It means using all of our sese to become aware of our world. This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture, as well as taste, when we plan a meal. Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.

  A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things. I f we believe the expression, “There is nothing new under the sun,” the creativ ity is remaking or recombining the old in new ways. For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to cr eate an unusual photograph.

  A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ide as, to apply them to achieve some new results. To think up a new concept is one thing; to put the idea to work is another.

  These three parts of creativity are involved in all the great works of genius, but they are also involved in many of our day to day activities.

  26.Which of the following activities is NOT a creative one according to t he passage?

  A.To prepare a meal.

  B.To arrange the furniture in a peculiar way.

  C.To buy some books from a bookstore.

  D.To “write” a letter with the computer.

  27.The author holds that ____.

  A.creativity is of highly demand

  B.creativity is connected with a deep insight to some extent

  C.creativity is to create something new and concrete

  D.to practise and practise is the only way to cultivate one’s creativity

  28.“There is nothing new under the sun.” (Par.3) really implies that ____.

  A.we can seldom create new things B.a new thing is only a tale

  C.a new thing can only be created at the basis of original things

  D.we can scarcely see really new things in the world

  29.What does the author think about the relationship between a new though t and its being put into practice?

  A.It’s more difficult to create a new thought than to apply it in practice.

  B.To find a new thought will definitely lead to the production of a new thing.

  C.One may come up with a new thought, but can not put it into practice.

  D.A man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become an inventor.

  30.The best title for this passage is ____.

  A.How to Cultivate One’s Creativity B.What is Creativity

  C.The Importance of Creativity D.Creativity—a Not Farway Thing

  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

  When I was studying at Yale, some phenomena puzzled me greatly. I found that Chinese students or Asian students were very polite in class while American students often interrupted the professor, asking questions and dominating the discussion. The Chinese students were not as aggressive as American students.

  I was impressed by the role of the professor in the seminar(讨论会). The professor didn’t act as an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a reseac her looking for answers to questions together with the students. One lingui stic(语言的) feature of his interacting with his students was that he used many modal(情态的) verbs—far more than I did in Beiwai. When answering questions, he usually said, “This is my personal opinion and it could be wrong.” or “You could be right, but you might find this point of view also interesting.”

  In China, authorities are always supposed to give wise decisions and correct di rections. Therefore, students always expect the professor to give an answer to th e question. I still remember how frustrated they were when foreign teachers did not provide such an answer. Their expectations from authorities are much higher than that of American students. Once the Chinese students got the answer, they w ere sure about it.


  Education in China is valued for united thinking. I remember American teachers who taught in our university complaining about the fact that Chinese students u niformly expressed the same idea in their English composition. The examinations in America usually do not test a student’s ability to memorize the material but his ability to analyze and solve problems. Education in America is valued not on ly as a means to obtain employment but as a process of enhancing critical thinking.

  31.In the USA, when the students are in class, ____.

  A.a Chinese student tends to be very active

  B.an American student likes to make trouble

  C.a Chinese student likes to puzzle the teacher

  D.an American student tends to be vigorous

  32.A teacher in the USA prefers to ____ when he answers questions.

  A.be very sincere B.be very direct

  C.be very self confident D.be very indifferent

  33.What is the opinion of the author concerning the difference of teachin g methods between China and the USA?

  A.He thinks that Chinese teaching metods can make students learn more.

  B.He holds that the major purpose of Chinese teaching methods is to impro ve students’ remembrance.

  C.He thinks that American teaching is ability oriented.

  D.He holds that American teachers hate to give a test.

  34.The author thinks that the relationship between the student and the te acher is ____.

  A.more intimate in China B.closer in China C.looser in USA D.more harmonious in USA

  35.The education in USA may produce some ____ graduates.

  A.talkative B.conventional C.creative D.imaginative

  Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

  On line courses (also called distance learning) are a hot new trend in American education. According to the nonprofit Distance Education and Training Council, about 400 US colleges and schools offer some portion of their programs on the We b. At the university level, they cost the same as traditional classes and requir e similar weekly assignments and textbook reading, the difference is in class pa rticipation.

  Generally speaking, students congregate(使聚集) on line throughout each week to explore topic with the professor, but these discussions occur “asynchronousl y(不同时发生地)” rather than in real time. (You read others’ comments and post your own whenever you get a chance.) Written assignments are posted, you e mail in your work periodically, and you’re required to take a proctored exam in order to receive degree credit. Career boosting business administration and information technology programs are the most popular, but you’ll also find a variety of literal arts offerings, from film theory to medieval history and foreign lang uage study. While you still can’t get an Ivy League degree on line, a growing number of elite(卓越的) institutions, including Stanford and New York Univer sity are beginning to offer on line courses.

  The benefits for busy people are obvious. “I always get a front row seat,” says one student studying at the State University of New York Learning Network. “I can get up in the middle of class, grab a cup of coffee. The class is waiting for me when I get back, and I haven’t missed a thing.” On the other hand, some students miss the face to face interaction that often sparks interest and involvement.

  36.Generally speaking, on line education costs ____.

  A.more than the traditional one

  B.less than the traditional one

  C.as much as the traditional one

  D.the author hasn’t mentioned

  37.The major way to hand out assignments of on line students is ____.

  A.to hand out them in person

  B.to post them

  C.to email in them

  D.to let the teacher enter into their personal main pages


  38.Which kind of program is probably NOT welcomed by most of the students?

  A.Software development.

  B.Decoration and design.

  C.International trade.

  D.Company management.

  39.The closest meaning of “Ivy League” (Par. 2) ____.

  A.famous universities in USA

  B.famous business colleges in USA

  C.famous companies in USA

  D.universities with a long history

  40.It is implied that in USA ____.

  A.on line education will take the place of the traditional one soon

  B.there are only a few on line programs until now

  C.one need not take part in the exam in order to receive a diploma by way of on line education

  D.one can not receive a degree certificate of New York University through distant learning

  Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

  41.____ the size and nature of a business, its main goal is to earn a profit.

  A.Whatever B.Whichever C.Whereas D.Because

  42.You are supposed ____ everything ready by now.

  A.to get B.getting C.to have got D.having got

  43.The football player is hoping to ____ to another club.

  A.transfer B.transmit C.transform D.transport

  44.The medicine which the doctor gave her can only ____ her temporarily from pain.

  A.relax B.relieve C.relay D.release

  45.She was simple, ____ and hard working woman.

  A.practicable B.favorable C.feasible D.practical

  46.I found myself completely ____ by his vivid performance.

  A.carried out B.carried off C.carried away D.carried on

  47.These safety measures will ____ the reduction of accidents.

  A.give in B.result from C.result in D.originate in

  48.After we had been in the village for a few months, we so liked it that we decided to settle there ____.

  A.in turn B.for good C.as usual D.at most

  49.____ these changes we must revise our plan.

  A.In the course of B.In the light of C.In spite of D.In addition to

  50.“I don’t feel like ____ now.”

  “But the faster we get the assignment ____ the sooner we can go out and relax.”

  A.to study, to do B.to study, done C.studying, done D.studying, to do

  51.In order to be a good scientist, ____.

  A.mathematics is vital

  B.one must master mathematics

  C.mathematics is important to understand

  D.one to understand mathematics

  52.I’m ____ him to arrive on Sunday.

  A.awaiting B.waiting C.expecting D.hoping

  53.It’s high time that something, ____ to prohibit selling fake commodities.

  A.must be done B.was done C.be done D.were done


  54.What’s the matter? I smell something ____.

  A.burn B.burns C.being burned D.burning

  55.It was a long time before the cut on my hand ____ completely.

  A.healed B.recovered C.improved D.cured

  56.You’ll have to buy some new shoes as these are ____.

  A.used up B.wasted away C.broken down D.worn out

  57.I ____ at home to look after my sick mother.

  A.can’t help stay B.can’t help staying

  C.cannot help but stay D.cannot help but staying

  58.More and more cheaper materials are being ____ for the better, more expensive kind in production.

  A.replaced B.displaced C.substituted D.transformed

  59.The taxi had to ____ because the traffic light had turned red.

  A.set up B.catch up C.shut up D.pull up

  60.____ to secret document is denied to all but few.

  A.Access B.Approach C.Contact D.Touch

  61.Will all those ____ the proposal raise their hands?

  A.in relation to B.in excess of C.in contrast to D.in favor of

  62.A cold is nothing to you ____ it is merely a cold; but it sometimes becomes a danger.

  A.no matter B.as well as C.so long as D.so far as

  63.People here usually ____ channel 2 at 7:00 a.m. to hear the news.

  A.tune B.tune in C.tone D.turn in

  64.The attack on Pearl Harbor ____ the indignation of the whole nation.

  A.rasied B.rose C.aroused D.arose

  65.American people are highly ____, and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply involved with others.

  A.moving B.mobile C.motional D.movable

  66.A large sum of money has been raised for the ____ of the poorlyed ucated children in the mountainous districts.

  A.profit B.favour C.advantage D.benefit

  67.In arithmetic the rules of addition are basic, and all the other rules are built on this ____.

  A.basis B.base C.bases D.basic

  68.On Christmas Eve, we had several guests, who were ____ friends of our daughter.

  A.almost B.mostly C.most D.nearly

  69.In our culture, honesty has always been considered an important ____ of a person’s character.

  A.element B.role C.share D.practice

  70.Students who pass the test will be ____ to the next grade.

  A.progressed B.proceeded C.promoted D.proposed

  Part Ⅳ Translation from E[nglish into Chinese (15 minutes) Directions:

  In this part, there are five items which you should translate into Chinese, each item consisting of one or two sentences. These sentences are all taken from the Reading Passages you have just read in the Reading Comprehension of the Test Paper. You can refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context.

  71.Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudice s.(Passage 1, Para.1)


  72.Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dan gers and difficulties of words. (Passage 1, Para. 2)

  73.For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to create an unusual photograph.(Passage 2, Para. 3)

  74.The professor didn’t act as an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a reseacher looking for answers to questions together with the students.(Pa ssage 3, Para.2)

  75.Career boosting business administration and information technology pr ograms are the most popular, but you’ll also find a variety of literal arts offe rings, from film theory to medieval history and foreign language study.(Passage 4, Para.2)

  Part Ⅴ Writing

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “Should Tobacco Industry Be Forbidden?” You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:


  答案 Part Ⅱ



  本散文谈读书方法。作者认为许多读者因存在太多先入之见而不能从书中汲取它们所能提 供给我们的东西。而如果能在阅读时尽量和作者融为一体的话,就可以体会到书本中的许多微妙之处。最后作者又告诉读者可通过动手练笔的方式领会作家是如何创作的,灵感和构思 是如何得来的。


  【参考译文】 作者说“然而很少有人向书籍索取它们所能提 供给我们的东西。”的真正 含义是什么?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“对含义复杂句子的正确理解” 的能力。

  【详细解答】 解答此题,正确理解“Yes…us”一句含义是 关键。其实质含义是:“许多人读书时因观念不正确,而仅仅能从书本中得到很少的知识获得很少的启迪”。这样,我们就可以对选项进行逐个分析取舍了。A项意为“作者认为许多人读的书都太少”,显然与我 们的分析不符。B项意为“作者认为读者仅仅从书中汲取了部分知识。”这句话只是引文部 分的字面含义,所以也应排除。再看C项作者认为许多人对某类书应该包含什么样的内容没有正确的观念。这才是作者的隐含意思,所以是正确的。而D项“作者认为许多读者对大量的书都不能读懂。”这也是一种错误的理解,也应排除。这样就可确定选项为C。


  【参考译文】 根据短文,下面的说法哪一个是正确的?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“对具体细节的把握”的能力。

  【详细解答】 此题只能用排除法,去掉与文章细节不符的选 项。选项A意为“读者在阅读

  时应该能发现一些错误。”文章中没有此细节,可排除。B项“一本书越难读,从中得到知 识也越多。”也与文意无关。再看C项“阅读比观看容易。”根据文章第二段第四句最后一分句可知这正与作者的观点相反,故也排除。最后只剩下D项,应为正确 答案。而其内容“读者在阅读时应和作者保持一致。”正是作者的观点,无疑正确。


  【参考译文】 第二段中“impalpable”一词最可能的含义是什么?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“根据上下文推测生词含义”的能力。

  【详细解答】 先看上文:作家想把素材安排得像一座完整的大房,使之具体化。接下来就是含有“impalpable”一句。句首用“but”引导,有转折含义。所以此单 词意义可能与“具体”相对。再看下文,阅读比观看更复杂和费时。这样,该词的含义就可以基本确定了,应该是“非常抽象难以捉摸的”之类的意思。(这里与” 砖头”相比,更加强了这一点)据此可 排除A、D项。C项意为“微妙”,意近。但B项恰好意为“难以捉摸的”,更与生词含义接近 ,所以应选B。此题目C项干扰性较大,注意要避免匆忙选择,而功亏一篑。



  【参考译文】 此文的主要内容是什么?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“对文章的主旨和大意的把握”的能力。

  【详细解答】 解答此题关键在于先弄清文章的主旨和大意。 在此基础上就可进行选弃了。此短文主要讲“何为正确的读书方法”。据此,A项“阅读的重要性”,C项“如何从书中获 取最多的信息”,D项“一本好书的特征”,均不能选。而B项“何为正确的读书方法”,正 与我们的分析不谋而合,所以B为正确答案无疑。


  【参考译文】 作家在写作时,常通过什么样的方式来获得构 思?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“对具体细节正确理解”的能力。

  【详细解答】 答案可从文章最后一句获得。解答此类题的关 键就是找到并正确理解有关细节。根据最后一句可知“作家构思的获得是通过瞬间的感悟。”这样,就可对选项进行逐 个分析了。A项意为“通过长期的思考”,虽符合一般常识,但不是作者看法,排除。B项意为“瞬间/快速的灵感”,与作者的观点十分接近,有正确的可能。再 看C项“根据作者自己的 经历”,作者也没有提及。而D项“通过专心致志地观看描写的对象”,这只是构思活动过程的一部分。与B项相比,也应排除。现在就可确定:B项为正确答案。



  本文主要介绍了什么是创造力。作者认为创造力离我们并不遥远,我们每天都在创造。创造力有三个方面的表现,第一是以新的方式观察和思考。第二是能观察到事 物之间的关系。第三是运用新思想的勇气和激情,运用新思想来获得新的效果。最后作者指出创造力的三方 面需要全面非凡的天赋,但同时也需要我们日常许许多多的亲身实践。


  【参考译文】 下列哪一种活动不具有创造性?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“根据所读材料进行一定的判断”的能力。

  【详细解答】 本题可用排除法。根据第一段可知创造力的含 义是“使事物产生”,“致使事物存在”。而它三个方面的表现可参考“短文大意”,据此,A项“做饭”是一种日常 生活中的“使饭产生”,具有创造性。B项“用一种独我的方式安排家俱”,为创造力第二 面详述中的例子,故也是创造活动。再看C项“从书店买书”,只是一种简单的行为,不涉 及创造性。而D项“用电脑写一封信”即“创造一封信”,也为创造性活动,也不能选。这样就可得出结论,A、B、D项不能选,C为正确答案。解答此题时要千 万注意 问题的提问方式是问“哪一个不是”,以免错误理解题意而误选。


  【参考译文】 作者认为……

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“对具体细节的把握”的能力。

  【详细解答】 此题的解答需要在理解文章大意及细节基础上 进行。选项A意为“创造力对人的素质要求很高”。此项初看正确,而且作者在文章末尾也提到。但根据文章开头,可知平凡人每天都在创造。所以只能先在此选项上作个标记,再继续分析。选项B意为“创造力在一定程度上取决于非凡的洞察力。”根据最后一段,可知这是一种 “天赋”,故正确。选项C 认为“创造力只体现在创造某些新的具体东西”,失之片面。D项认为“不断实践是培养创造力的唯一方面”,也失之片面(参见文章最后一句)。这样就只剩下A、B项,两者相比,A 项似乎仍显武断和片面,故也排除。这样就可确定B为正确答案。


  【参考译文】 “太阳之下无新物”(第三段)的真正含义是什么?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“根据上下文理解含义复杂句子”的能力。

  【详细解答】 此题可在正确理解句子含义的基础上采取“排 除法”来解答。根据上下文可以得知:此句的真正含义是“任何新事物的产生都是建立在原有事物基础之上的”。据此, A项认为“我们很少能创造新事物”,显然只是句子的字面意思,不正确。B项“创造新事物 是一个神话”,也为字面理解。再看C项“只有在原有事物基础之上才能创造新事物”,这不 正是我们分析得出的结论吗?而D项“我们几乎不可能看到新事物”,更是差之甚远。这样就 可确定C项为正确答案无疑。


  【参考译文】 作者如何认识获得新思想与将其付诸于实践的关系?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“对特定的细节的把握”的能力。

  【详细解答】 先找有关细节。此问题涉及到对文章第三段最 后一句的理解。作者认为“获得新思想并不意味着就能够将其付诸实践,暗含“知易行难”的意义。这样,我们就可对 选项进行分析选弃了。先看A项“获得新思想比将其付诸实践困难”。显然刚好与我们分析的含义相反,故排除,再看B项“只要获得新思想就可将其付诸实践。”也不对。而C项“一 个人可能获得某种新思想,但有可能无法将其付诸实践。”正是作者的观点,所以是正确的 。也就无需看D。 实际上,D项说“实践能力很强的人容易成为发明家。”并不是作者的观点,因为作者只是认为实践对培养创造力是具有重要作用,所以也不正确。这样就可确定C 为正确答案无疑。



  【参考译文】 本文最好的标题是什么?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“对阅读材料主旨和大意的把握”的能力。

  【详细解答】 首先快速通读全文(注意主题句),可知文章主要谈论的是“创造力的含义及其三个方面的表现”,整篇文章都是围绕创造力展开的。现在来分析选项。A项意为“如 何培养创造力”,初看符合文章内容,但仔细分析,文章只在最后一段提到了培养创造力三个方面的途径和要求,所以不能选。看B项“什么是创造力”,这个题目下可写和创造力有关 的许多东西如创造力定义,表现及培养途径,所以有道理。再看C项“创造力的重要性”, 文章没有提及。而D项“创造力离我们并不遥远”,也只是文章开头提到,中间涉及一点, 也不确切。这样就可确定,B项为正确答案。


  本文主要谈论中美教育方式的差别。(以一个赴美访问学习者的眼光)作者谈到美国教授在上课时能够扮演与学生平等的角色,与学生进行平等的讨论交流;而中国学生与教师之间的关系总是“学习者与权威”的关系。这样的结果,中国学生都被培养 成了一个模式;而美国 学生却拥有了独立分析解决问题的能力,在踏上社会时,也更具谋生能力。作者对中国教 育的弊端进行了委婉的批评。


  【参考译文】 在美国课堂上学生的经常表现是什么?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“对文章某些细节的理解”的能力。

  【详细解答】 在文章中找到有关的细节为解此题的关键。从 文章第一段的最后两句可得知“中国留学生在课堂上表现很有礼貌和节制,而美国学生则非常主动和活跃。”据此,A项 说“中国学生在课堂上表现很活跃”,则正好与事实相反,故排除。看B项“美国学生喜欢捣乱”。虽然作者在第一段倒数第二句提到“美国学生有时甚至控制课堂讨论”,但这并不 说明他们故意捣乱,而是表现积极活跃的一种方式。所以也不对。而C项说“学生喜欢为难 老师”,显然也只是字面理解,与B项判断犯同样错误,故也不对。最后看D项“美国学生经常表现得非常活跃”,正是我们与作者得出的结论,所以是选项无疑。解答此题也给了我们一个启示:某些干扰项迷惑性很大,不能一眼识别,所以在选择时可能需要进行反复比较思考 ,方能断定其正确与否。我们要记住这一点。


  【参考译文】 美国教师在回答问题时更表现得……

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“对文章某些段落把握”的能力。

  【详细解答】 文章第二段是解答问题的关键。此段主要谈论 “美国教授在上课时扮演的是与学生平等的角色”,并介绍了“这种情况的种种表现”。现在,我们来看选项。A项“ 非常诚恳”,符合事实,先标出,看有没有更合适的。B项“非常直接”,显然不对,即使美国老师语气委婉,也只是“不直接”。C项意为“非常自信”,文章没有提到这一点,也不能选。再看D项“非常冷淡”,更是荒谬。这样也就只能选A。


  【参考译文】 作者如何评价中美教育方式的差异?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“理解作者观点”的能力。

  【详细解答】 解答此类题目,首先也必须象解答“有关文章 主要内容题目”一样,首先应掌握全文的主旨和大意,据此才能在理解作者观点时,不致管中窥豹,以致偏颇。迅速通 读全文,可知作者意在抨击中国教育方式的弊端。这样,作者的观点也就昭然若揭了。现在看选项。A项“中国教育方式能传授更多知识”。这或许可能,但文中没提,故不能选,而且作者也不可能将这样的话写入文中,自相矛盾。所以A项排除。看B项 “中国教育方式集中在如何提高学生记忆力上”,文中没有提及,而且显然也太片面。作者只在课文最后一段暗示中国 式考试偏重于考查学生记忆力。所以也不能选。再看C项“美国教育重在培养学生能力”。作者在对中国教育抨击的同时,也对美国教育的某些做法表示赞成,而这一点正是作者对美国教育考查后得出的结论之一,所以正确。至此就可排除D项。而实际上 D项说“美国教师讨厌考试”, 与文章无关,所以也不能选。


  【参考译文】 (中美相比)作者认为学生与教师间的关系……

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“根据所读材料进行推断”的能力。

  【详细解答】 推理(断)题属于要求较高的题型。它要求学生不仅能正确理解文章(或某些细节),也要能据此进一步推测其中暗含的意思。先看短文,特别注意第一段和第二段。现在再来逐个分析选项。A项说“中国师生关系更密切”,是否如此?老师是权威,表面上可以更有力控制学生,但学生从心目中肯定是对教师敬而远之的,所以这种看法是表面上的,不 正确。B项说“中国师生关系更近”,与A项意近,也不能选。注意这两个选项的迷惑性 。 再看C项说“美国师生之间关系松散”。平等交流,并不等于松散,最多只能是和谐,所以也不能选。再看D项说“美国师生之间关系和谐”,正合作者的看法,所以只能选D。



  【参考译文】 美国教育方法可能培养出什么样的学生?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“根据所读材料进行推断”的能力。

  【详细解答】 此题的问题太宽泛,只能根据选项,结合文章,进行取舍。A项意为“健谈 的”,正确吗?学生上课积极主动,能锻炼口才和外向性格,但是否有点片面,先标出。再看B项“默守成规的”,肯定不对,此项更符合中国学生。而C项是“具有创造力的”,美国平等式的、自由、宽松的教育方式,鼓励学生培养独立分析、解决问题的能力,这样培养出来的学生势必多具有“创造力”,符合事实。再看D项,“具有想象力的”。美国学生更具有实干精 神,所以也不对。这样只剩下A和C选项,两者相比,C项更准确,所以选项为C。

  【短文大意】 本文主要介绍美国网上课程的现况及其特点。美国目前已有大约400所院校在网上提供部分课程。网上教学与传统教育方式相比,花费及作业与读书任务都类似,但课堂参与方式不同,学生们在网上与教授探讨问题,在网上学习课程,通过发布email交书面作业,在网上参加考试。作者还提到网上最受欢迎的课程是商业管理及信息技术方面的课程。同时网上也 开设许多文科方面的课程。最后作者又提到网上课程对于工作繁忙的人最有利。


  【参考译文】 一般来说,网上教育的花费……

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“查找材料中某些事实”的能力。

  【详细解答】 “ 事实查找题”属于比较简单的题型,只要找到事实,在解题时再注意到

  某些同义表达法,问题便可迎刃而解。此题的答案可在文章第一段最后一句找到。此句话说 到“网上教育所花费的钱与传统的方式一样”,这样就可采取排除法进行选取了。A项说“ 多于传统”,B项说“少于传统”,皆可一眼排除。D项说“作者没有提及”,也不对。而C 项说“与传统一样”,正是文章的事实。所以可确定,C项为正确答案。


  【参考译文】 接受网上课程的学生交作业的主要方式是……

  【试题分析】 此题主要考查学生“查找材料中某些事实”的能力。

  【详细解答】 解答方法与36题类似,可在文章第二段第二句 中找到有关事实,通过电子邮件来交书面作业。这样就可排除A“亲自去交”。而其它三项中两个干扰项都具有一定的迷惑性,须逐个分析。先看B项“邮寄它 们”,有歧义,虽然文章中确有这种表达。先标出,看有没有更合适的。而C项刚好为“通过电子邮件交作业”,正是准确无误的事实,所以也可排除B项。最后看D项“让老师进入学生的个人主页”,文中没有这样的说法。这样就可断定C为正确 答案。


  【参考译文】 网上的哪些课程可能不受大多数学生的青睐?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“根据材料进行推断”的能力。

  【详细解答】 据文章第二段第四句可知,最受欢迎的课程是商业管理及信息技术。这样就可来进行判断:那些不属于这两类的课程应当是选项。 先看A项“软件开发”,属于此两类,所以不能选。而B项“装璜设计”,属于工艺美术方面,不在此列,应为选项,也就不必再看C、D项。而C项“国际贸易”,D项“企业管理”,也属于上述两类范围,故也应排除。


  【参考译文】 “Ivy League”最可能的含义是什么?

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“根据上下文推测生词(组)含义”的能力。

  【详细解答】 解答此类题的关键是读懂“生词(组)”所在句 子的含义,也就是理解上下文,在此基础上,才能确定生词(组)的确切或最接近的含义。此题目中“Ivy League”所在 一句是第二段最后一句。我们可看到“Ivy League”紧跟“degree”(学位)一词,所以可推断此词组肯定与大学(或研究院)有关,因为只有这些机构才有权授予学位。再进行分析,“ Ivy ”后有“League”(联盟、联合会)一词,可推测此词组可能是“大学(或研究院)联合会” 或“联合会大学(或研究院)。这样就可排除C项“美国著名的企业联合会”。接下来再分析 ,网上学生仍不能得到“Ivy League”的学位,暗示此类大学(研究院)是很著名的,同时也 可从下面的转折词“but”引出的内容:斯坦福大学等著名大学也在网上设立课程,得以进 一步确证。现在再来看选项。B项说“美国著名商学院”中概括得又太具体,范围太窄,D项 “美国历史悠久的大学”又太笼统。A项“美国著名的大学”为最佳选择。如果对教育背景有所了解的话,也可以知道“Ivy”就是美国名牌大学的代称,这样 就可选A。


  【参考译文】 (根据文章)可以推断……

  【试题分析】 此题考查学生“根据材料进行推断”的能力。

  【详细解答】 解答此题首先要掌握文章的主旨大意,并理解某些细节,在此基础上,再进行取舍。现在我们来看四个选项。A项说“网上教育很快就会取代传统教育。”文中没有 提到,根据内 容也无法推断,所以舍弃。B项“直到现在网上课程的数量也只是寥寥无几。”也不正确 ,因为第三段说“能在网上找到各种各样的文科课程”。再看C项“一个人不需要参加考试就可拿到学位”。从第二段第二句可知,这种认识是错误的。现在只剩下D项,应该是选项。而其内容“一个人通过远程教育不能获得纽约大学的学位。”根据第二 段最后一句也可以推断出,这种看法是正确的。故D为正确选项无疑。


  Part Ⅲ


  【参考译文】 不论商业的规模性质如何,其主要目标是获利。

  【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考学生对连词的掌握。

  【详细解答】 Whatever无论什么,相当于no matter what: Whatever difficulty we might meet with we will carry out our plan.不论遇到什么困难,我们也会完成计划。B.Whichever无论哪一个,它与whatever的区别在于whichever指提供选择中的无 论哪一个,而whatever在没有提供选择时用,如:Take whichever of the three paintings you like best.这三幅画中你最喜欢哪一幅就拿哪一幅。C. Whereas鉴于;而,却;多用于比较结构中。如: Some people like tea, whereas others like coffee.一些人喜欢喝茶而另一些人则喜欢喝咖啡。


  【参考译文】 到目前为止你应该把一切都准备好了。

  【试题分析】 此题考动词搭配。

  【详细解答】 be supposed后要接不定式,即be supposed to do sth. 表示“应该……”。此句中“by now”表示动作应已完成,所以不定式要用完成时态,故C为正确答案。


  【参考译文】 这位足球运动员正希望能转到另一家俱乐部。

  【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题。

  【词义辨析】 transfer转移,调(往),可以指工作岗位的调动或学习专业的转换:transfer to the branch bank调到分行。B. transmit传播,播送(节目):transmit the radio waves传送无线电波。C. transform把……变为,改变:transform sunlight to solar energy把阳光转变为太阳能。D. transport运输、运送:transport these goods to Shanghai把货物运到上海。


  【参考译文】 医生给她的药只能暂时减轻她的病痛。

  【试题分析】 此题为形近词辨析题。

  【词义辨析】 relieve减轻(病痛、紧张情绪等):relieve sb. from anxiety消除某人的忧虑。A. relax放松;使不紧张:relax the muscles放松肌肉。C. relay转达,转播:relay a program转播一个节目。D. release释放:release sb. from the prison把某人从监狱中释放出来。


  【参考译文】 她是个直率、讲求实际、工作努力的妇女。

  【试题分析】 此题既是形近词辨析又是近义词辨析题。

  【词义辨析】 practical讲求实际的;实践的:practical method讲求实际的方法。practical指在日常生活中能运用常识、知识、方法等,着重于行动,而非思想或想象。A.practicable 可 行的、行得通的,不能用来修饰人:a practicable plan可行性方案。B.favorable有利的:This decision is favorable to us.决议对我们有利。C. feasible可行的,用法同practical : a feasible scheme可行的计划。


  【参考译文】 我发现我完全被他那生动的表演吸引住了。

  【试题分析】 此题为词组辨析题,考有关“carry”的词组。

  【词组辨析】 carry away 吸引住;使激动得失去控制,多用于被动语态:He was carried away by his success.他被成功冲晕了头脑。A. carry out执行;完成;实现:carry out the plan完成这一计划。B. carry off 拿走,夺走:His life was carried off by the disease.这种病夺去了他的生命。D. carry on 继续,进行:They carried on in spite of the difficulties.尽管困难重重,他们仍坚持下去。


  【参考译文】 这些安全措施将减少事故的发生。

  【试题分析】 此题为词组辨析题。

  【词组辨析】 result in 引起(某种结果);导致:His carelessness resulted in the failure of this experiment.他的粗心大意导致了实验的失败。A. give in 屈服:He would rather die than give in to the enemy.他宁死不向敌人屈服。B. result from由……引起的,与result in是一对反义词组。Lung cancer partly results from heavy smoking.肺癌部分是由过分吸烟造成的。D. originate in 起源于:Their friendship originated in a chance meeting.他们的友谊源于一次偶遇。



  【参考译文】 在这个村庄住了几个月后,我们便如此喜欢它 以至于决定在那儿永久定居下来。

  【试题分析】 此题为词组辨析题。

  【词组辨析】 for good永久地:He left his hometown for good and never came back. 他永久地离开了故乡,再也没回来过。A. in turn轮流;依次:They speak in turn at the meeting.他们在会上依次发言。C. as usual像往常一样:As usual, he has lunch at this small restaurant.像往常一样,他在这家小饭馆吃午饭。D. at most 最多:There are 10 minutes at most to go. 最多还有10分钟。


  【参考译文】 鉴于这些变化,我们必须修订我们的计划。

  【试题分析】 此题为词组辨析题。

  【词组辨析】 in the light of 鉴于;根据:take actions in the light of actual situations根据实际情况采取行动。A. in the course of 在……期间,在……过程中的。C. in spite of 不顾。D. in addition to 除……之外,相当于besides。


  【参考译文】 “我现在不想学习”,“但是我们越快完成作 业就能更早出去放松一下。”

  【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考非谓语动词形式。

  【详细解答】 feel like想要……,后接名词或动名词形式。get sth. done或 get sb. to do sth.为固定搭配。所以C为正确选项。


  【参考译文】 要想成为科学家,一个人必须掌握数学。

  【试题分析】 此题为语法题,考不定式状语与主句的关系。

  【详细解答】 题干“in order to be a good scientist” 是目的状语,句子缺少主句。根据不定式做目的状语时,其逻辑主语是主句主语的原则,可判定主句的主语应该是人而不 是物,据此可排除A、C两项。而D项缺少谓语,不成为句子。只有B项为正确答案。


  【参考译文】 我正期待着他星期六能到。

  【试题分析】 此题主要考搭配。

  【详细解答】 四个选项中,只有expect能用于expect sb. to do sth.结构中。A. await=wait for, 为及物动词,只用于await sb./sth. B.wait为不及物动词,必须用于wait for sb. 或wait to do sth.结构。D. hope只能用于hope to do sth. 或hope sth.结构中。



  【试题分析】 此词考语法题。

  【详细解答】 It's high time...结构后应使用虚拟语气,something在这里应接过去时态单数谓语动词was。故选B。


  【参考译文】 怎么了?我闻到有东西烧着了的味道。

  【试题分析】 此题考非谓语动词形式。

  【详细解答】 表示感觉的动词如:see, hear, watch, listen to, smell, feel均可接复合宾语,可用分词充当宾语补足语。如果宾语与补语之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,可用动词原形 ,或现在分词充当补足语。现在分词表示动作正在进行之中,而动词原形则表示动作已经发生。如果宾语与补语之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,则用过去分词充当补足语。如:I often hear her sing English songs in the next room.我经常听到她在隔壁房间唱英文歌曲。The children are listening to the old man telling a fairy tale.孩子们在听老人讲童话故事。He found himself locked in a barn.他发现自己被锁在谷仓里了。因此D为此题正确答案。


  【参考译文】 过了好长时间我手上的伤口才完全愈合。

  【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题。

  【词义辨析】 heal跌打、烫伤的治愈;伤口的愈合:The wound has been healed.创 伤已经治好了。B. recover恢复,一般用人做主语。如:He recovered his eyesight after the operation.手术后他恢复了视力。C. improve改善;提高:improve working conditions改善工作条件。D. cure治愈,主要指内部得病的治愈,不用来指伤口的愈合:cure sb. of his stomachache治愈某人的胃病。



  【参考译文】 你得买些新鞋。这些都穿坏了。

  【试题分析】 此题为近义词组辨析题。

  【词组辨析】 wear out(把)穿破;(把)用坏:I have worn out my overall.我把工作服穿破了。A. use up 用尽:His money was used up. 他的钱花光了。B. waste away消瘦:He is wasting away from disease.他病得消瘦了。C. break down打破;坍塌;(健康精神)垮下来


  【参考译文】 我不得不呆在家里照看我生病的母亲。

  【试题分析】 此题主要考固定搭配。

  【详细解答】 cannot help doing禁不住,为固定搭配:can not help but do sth.不得不做……,为固定搭配。根据句意可知C为正确答案。


  【参考译文】 在生产中越来越多的廉价材料被用以代替质优 但价格较高的材料。

  【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题,主要考搭配。

  【词组辨析】 substitute替代,常用于substitute A for B 结构,表示“用A来代替B”:substitute plastic for wood用塑料代替木材。A. replace代替,被动时与by搭配使用 :be replaced by gas 被煤气所取代。C. displace转移;取代:I’ll displace Sally when she is away on business.当Sally出差在外时,我取代他的位置。同样,displace在被 动句中,与by搭配使用。D. transform转变,改变,多用于transfrom…from…to…结构中,表示“把……从……转变为……”。


  【参考译文】 出租车不得不停下来因为红灯亮了。

  【试题分析】 此题为词组辨析题,考与“up”搭配的动词短语。

  【词组辨析】 pull up停下:The car pulled up at the sc hool gate.车子在校门口停下来。A. set up 建立:set up a school建立一所学校。 B. catch up (with)赶上:catch up with his classmates赶上他的同学。C. shut up闭嘴。


  【参考译文】 除少数人外其他人都无权接触这些保密文件。

  【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题,尤其是A、B两项易混淆。

  【词义辨析】 access接近……的权利/途径,后常跟to: Every student has access to the library.每个学生都有权利用图书馆。B. approach靠近;途径:a scientific approach to teaching科学的教学方法。C. contact联系,一般与with连用:keep in contact with sb. 与某人保持联系。D. touch接触:keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系。


  【参考译文】 赞同这一提议的人请举手好吗?

  【试题分析】 此题为词组辨析题,根据句意来判断。

  【词组辨析】 in favor of 赞同;有利于:in favor of one’s suggestions赞同某人的建议;The situation is in favor of us. 情形对我们有利。A. in relation to 关于涉及:I have a lot to say in relation to that affair.关于那件事我有许多话要说。B. inexcess of 超过:a population in excession of 1.2 billion 12亿以上的人口。C. in contrast to 与……形成对照:In contrast to northerners people in the south prefer to rice与北方人不同,南方人更喜欢米饭。


  【参考译文】 感冒没什么,只要你患的只是感冒而已。但有 时些候,感冒可能会造成危险。

  【试题分析】 此题考语法知识中连词的运用。

  【详细解答】 so long as只要……,用作连词,正符合句意。如:I’ll lend you the money so long as you promise to return it by the end of this month.只要你承诺月底之前把钱还给我,我就借钱给你。A. no matter一般不单独使用,而应与what, which, when, where等疑问副词连用,表示“无论……”。B. as well as 也,又:He is kind as well as generous.他既善良又大方。D. so far as 远到,至于:so far as I know就我所知;He walked so far as Yan’an. 他一直走到延安。



  【参考译文】 这儿的人常在早上7点钟收听二频道的新闻。

  【试题分析】 此题为形近词比较题。

  【词义辨析】 tune in 收听;tune in the music program 收听音乐节目。A. tune调谐,调整(收音机)频率:tune the radio to the 25—metre band把收音机调到25米波段。表 收听时,常与“in”搭配使用。C. tone语调、声调:in a calm tone以平静的语调。D. turn in 上交;turn in your report把你的报告交上来。


  【参考译文】 袭击珍珠港事件激起了整个民族的愤慨。

  【试题分析】 此题为形近词辨析题。

  【词组辨析】 arouse激起:arouse students’ interest引 起学生的兴趣。A. raise举起;提高:raise your hand举手。B. rise上升:The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升 起。D. arise出现:New problems will arise soon after the old are solved.旧的问题 解决了新的问题马上又出现了。注意rise和arise均为不及物动词。


  【参考译文】 美国人的流动性强,很难和别人深入交往下去。

  【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题。

  【词义辨析】 mobile流动的;经常搬迁的,没有定处的:Jews used to be mobile nati on.犹太人曾是个四处流浪,居无定所的民族。A. moving正在运动着的:a moving car正在 行驶的车子。C. motional运动的。D. movable可移动的:movable properties动产。 66.答案D。

  【参考译文】 为了山区那些未受过良好教育的孩子们的利益,已筹集了一大笔资金。

  【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题。

  【词义辨析】 benefit利益、好处:for the benefit of the people为了人民的利益。A. profit利润,指跟商业有关的获利:make a big profit 获得丰厚利润。B. favor宠爱;赞同;恩惠;一般用于in favor of 结构中,表示“对……有利”或“支持……;赞同……”。C. advantage优势,一般用于to the advantage of sb. 结构中,表示“对某人有利”。所以D 项为最佳答案。


  【参考译文】 在算术中加法法则是基础,所有其它法则均建 立在加法法则的基础上。

  【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题。

  【词义辨析】 basis基础,较为抽象,常用于on the basis of 结构中,表示“……为基础”。B. base基地,为具体名词:industrial base工业基地。C. bases为basis和base的复数形式。因为题干中有“on this”,所以只能用单数形式,而不能用base。D. basic基 础的,基本的,是形容词。


  【参考译文】 平安夜,我们接待了几位客人,大多数是我们 女儿的朋友。

  【试题分析】 此题既是形近词辨析题,又是近义词辨析题。

  【词义辨析】 mostly大多数;主要地;用作状语:The repr esentatives are mostly teachers at the meeting.会上大多数代表是老师。A. almost几乎,差不多,用在此处不妥。不能说“差不多是朋友”。C. most大多数,通常用作主语或定语,不作状语:Most of us ca me to his birthday party.我们大数人参加了他的生日晚会。D. nearly几乎,用法同almost。


  【参考译文】 在我们的文化中,诚实被认为是性格的一个重 要组成因素。

  【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题。

  【词义辨析】 element组成部分;元素:reduce sth. to its elements把某物分析出来。B. role作用;角色:play a role in 在……中发挥作用。C. share份额:do one’s sharef or the cause为事业贡献一份力量。share强调在整体中所应得到的比重。D. practice实践 ,练习:Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。诚实只能是性格中的一个组成部分,而不是整个性格中均分的份额,故A为最佳答案。


  【参考译文】 通过考试的学生可以升级。

  【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题。

  【词义辨析】 promote晋升;促进;使(学生)升级:promote sale促销;promote sb. to a higher position提升某人。A. progress进步,前进;为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态 。B. proceed继续;进而进行:proceed to the next item进而进行下一项。proceed为不 及物动词,也不能用于被动语态。D. propose提议、建议;提(名)推荐:Sb. is proposed as…某人被提名为……。用在此处不符合句意。因此C为正确答案。




  Part Ⅳ

  71.【参考译文】最通常的情况是,我们接触书本时 思绪不清,三心二意,要求小说写得真实可靠,诗歌写得空洞虚伪,传记写得溢美捧场,史记写得增加我们的偏见。


  【翻译点评】本句较长,但结构较简单,前面为简单句,后 面asking引导的都作句子的状语,但翻译时应注意,句子成分的转换。因为本句的asking状语句子占绝大部分,如果你 以状语出现,势必使句子结构失衡,故将状语转译为主句中的并列谓语,平衡句子,并使句 子有一种排列的气势。同时,又将定语从句转化为谓语,也是别具匠心的。

  72.【参考译文】了解造就一位小说家的基本要素最 迅速的办法,也许不是读而是写,是亲自体验用词的踌躇和难处。


  【翻译点评】本句将“perhaps”一词从句首后置提到句中谓 语前,使行文更加流畅,符合中文习惯,注意句中将“the elemems of what a novelist is doing”译为“造就一位小说家的基本要素”,采用意译法使读者易理解。另外,译文将“experiment”转译为 动词“体验”,也是准确合理的。

  73.【参考译文】我们可用这样的一些方法做到这一 点。例如找到一种高效的学习 方法,将我们的家俱安排得更合理,或者将相机的镜头和滤光器重新加以组合以拍出一张不同寻常的照片。


  【翻译点评】将“for example”放于例子前面,更符合作者 要传达的本意。词义转换是翻译时常用的技巧,本句将“create”译为“拍摄”,更加准确,参考译文将前一个不定式由定语转译为谓语动词,也别具匠心。本句虽长,结构上仍是简单句。

  74.【参考译文】教授不以权威自居,不提供最后的 结论,而是以探讨者的态度与学生一起寻求答案。


  【翻译点评】注意“not”否定应包括“giving”短语,译者充分注意到这一点。“looking for”译为“探讨”,而不是“寻找”,更符合语境——“老师和学生一起寻找答案” 以及“老师与学生之间的平等关系”。

  75.【参考译文】商业管理以及信息技术这些有助于 事业发展的课程是最受欢迎的。不过,你也同样能在网络上找到各种各样的文科课程,从电影理论到中世纪历史以及外国语言学习等。


  【翻译点评】译文将修饰“business…technology programs ”短语的“career boosting”定语后置于“programs”前,突出两类课程,使读者更易抓住关键信息。同时,将“bu t”引导的转折分句另成一句,强调了“网络上课程很多”的观点。译时注意“literal art s”意为“文科”。

  Part Ⅴ 写作指导

  这是一篇议论文,要注意审清题目“Should Tobacco Industry Be Forbidden?”。此题目不同于“Should Smoking Be Forbidden?”要注意简述Tobacco Industry与Smoking之间 的必然联系,为结论做铺垫。提纲要求考生列举在目前形势下烟草业的有利之处与吸烟有害健康,在权衡利弊的基础上,得出结论:从长远打算,烟草业终将被禁止。由于此结论在提 纲中已明确指出,不允许考生自由发挥。

  在范文中,第一段先指出烟草业是国民产业中的一部分,并借此引出烟草业对就业,国家 财政收入的贡献,主要借用数据来说明问题。第二段以“on the other hand”转变话题, 谈到烟草业的产品与吸烟的危害。最后从目前政府限制烟草业的发展谈及未来烟草业被禁止。全篇文章前后连贯,转承有致,观点鲜明。

  Sample Writing

  Should Tobacco Industry Be Forbidden?

  Tobacco industry has long been a major part of national industries and contributed a lot tosociety. It provides so many job opportunities that it is estimated 10% of Chinese people are doing jobs connected with it. What’s more, the tax on tobacco industry is high, which inevitably brings large amounts of provincial and national revenue and helps to increase national wealth. But on the other hand, it is well known that the major product of tobacco industry is simply cigarettes, cigars and so on. With various cigarettes to cater to different customers, people are tempted to fall into smoking, man and woman, adult and children. That’s where problem exists. For one thing, smoking does harm to health and even leads to lung cancer. For another, smoking is one source of air pollution, which affects non smokers’ health.

  Fortunately, our government has noticed this problem and already taken measures to restrain the development of tobacco industry and prohibit smoking in public places. It’s true that we can’t do away with it at once. However, in the long run, tabacco industry should be forbidden, but gradually.




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